Good Deeds for Gary – June 29, 2017

The third Buzzing Love Day on June 29, 2017, was a smashing success!
Even more people were part of the third Buzzing Love Day on June 29, 2017, and once again I am beyond grateful, absolutely amazed, overwhelmed and downright humbled by the incredible ACTS OF LOVE AND KINDNESS that were put into the world that day and shared in memory of my dad, Gary A. Baranyai, or ... simply JUST BEECAUSE!!!
Here is what I posted on Buzzing Love and my own Facebook page on June 29, 2017:
Here is what I posted on Buzzing Love and my own Facebook page on June 29, 2017:

With Love & Gratitude, Jaime
have found a place in my heart, and so that place is yours. It will fly
your flag, speak your language and honor you with festive parades
"There are some who bring a light so great to the world that even after they have gone, the light remains."
Below are posts that
appeared on social media throughout the day on June 29, 2017, as people
performed acts of kindness and good deeds. This list doesn't come close to being complete, as I know there were
several people who were a part of this day who didn't share their good deeds on social media,
and I'm certain there were many others.
While there's so much love and kindness that we know of, just think of how much MORE of it was inspired by every single one of these good deeds!! So many people who were buzzed with love as part of this day promised to pay the kindness forward, and if they did, that likely inspired the next person, and the next and the next, to keep the chain of love going! HOW AWESOME IS THAT?!
EVERYTHING about Buzzing Love Day is awesome! But what's so special and unbelievable for me – and so many of us who knew and loved my dad – is that it's not only a day completely devoted to actions that help us live out his love (even more than we usually do) and pass on his legacy of kindness, but it's also about what this day was and more importantly, what this day has BECOME and what it represents.
For those who don't know my story, June 29, 2014, was literally the worst, most painful, unbelievable, HORRIFIC day of my life – my family's life. My dad – who was my best friend and my everything – was murdered. By a close family member. In my house. (Yes, you read that right and no, I still can't believe it either.) Without Warning. Without explanation. A horror that will leave questions unanswered forever. A horror I was certain I would not survive – didn't even want to survive. A nightmare I have spent every single day since fighting against.
On the first anniversary of the day that shattered my life, my world and everything I thought I ever knew – the day that became the permanent dividing line for everything before and after it – a group of people – what I call our Army of Love – stepped forward and beamed their love and Gary B.'s brightness into all of the dark. I still don't have the words to describe just how amazing this was, this IS and all that it has BECOME.
Buzzing Love Day is important because of all the love and kindness it stands for, and what it has been transformed into. Instead of June 29th being what would be one of the hardest days of the year, it has become one of my favorite days of the year! As soon as I woke up the morning of June 29 this year and saw how the world was already Buzzing With Love for Gary Bee, I texted my best friend and said: "Waking up on Buzzing Love Day is better than waking up on Christmas!!!" (And if you know me, that's saying a lot!!)
This is the LOVE. This is the STRENGTH. This is the HEALING. This is RISING and PUSHING BACK THE DARK. This is TAKING BACK THE LOVE. Putting something BEAUTIFUL IN THE BROKENNESS. If I've learned anything since that worst day of my life it is this – that LOVE is the only thing strong enough to fight the pain, and the hate and the horrors that are beyond our control. It is the thing we CAN do. It is the thing we MUST do.
There are two things I know about great loss and great love ... you are forever changed by both. They become part of you – you absorb them and they shape you into the person you're becoming. When the loss breaks us, the love is what saves us. It's the only salve I know of for shattered hearts. So THANK YOU. THANK YOU BEYOND WORDS.
None of this would exist without ANY OF YOU ... so THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! Thank you seems so ... not enough, but it's all I have, so please take it to heart and know how BIG my love and gratitude is, now and always.
The following random (or not so random) acts of kindness gives a glimpse into how AMAZING the day was and how much LOVE & KINDNESS we put into the world on the third Buzzing Love Day!!!

EVERYTHING about Buzzing Love Day is awesome! But what's so special and unbelievable for me – and so many of us who knew and loved my dad – is that it's not only a day completely devoted to actions that help us live out his love (even more than we usually do) and pass on his legacy of kindness, but it's also about what this day was and more importantly, what this day has BECOME and what it represents.
For those who don't know my story, June 29, 2014, was literally the worst, most painful, unbelievable, HORRIFIC day of my life – my family's life. My dad – who was my best friend and my everything – was murdered. By a close family member. In my house. (Yes, you read that right and no, I still can't believe it either.) Without Warning. Without explanation. A horror that will leave questions unanswered forever. A horror I was certain I would not survive – didn't even want to survive. A nightmare I have spent every single day since fighting against.
On the first anniversary of the day that shattered my life, my world and everything I thought I ever knew – the day that became the permanent dividing line for everything before and after it – a group of people – what I call our Army of Love – stepped forward and beamed their love and Gary B.'s brightness into all of the dark. I still don't have the words to describe just how amazing this was, this IS and all that it has BECOME.
Buzzing Love Day is important because of all the love and kindness it stands for, and what it has been transformed into. Instead of June 29th being what would be one of the hardest days of the year, it has become one of my favorite days of the year! As soon as I woke up the morning of June 29 this year and saw how the world was already Buzzing With Love for Gary Bee, I texted my best friend and said: "Waking up on Buzzing Love Day is better than waking up on Christmas!!!" (And if you know me, that's saying a lot!!)
This is the LOVE. This is the STRENGTH. This is the HEALING. This is RISING and PUSHING BACK THE DARK. This is TAKING BACK THE LOVE. Putting something BEAUTIFUL IN THE BROKENNESS. If I've learned anything since that worst day of my life it is this – that LOVE is the only thing strong enough to fight the pain, and the hate and the horrors that are beyond our control. It is the thing we CAN do. It is the thing we MUST do.
There are two things I know about great loss and great love ... you are forever changed by both. They become part of you – you absorb them and they shape you into the person you're becoming. When the loss breaks us, the love is what saves us. It's the only salve I know of for shattered hearts. So THANK YOU. THANK YOU BEYOND WORDS.
None of this would exist without ANY OF YOU ... so THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! Thank you seems so ... not enough, but it's all I have, so please take it to heart and know how BIG my love and gratitude is, now and always.
The following random (or not so random) acts of kindness gives a glimpse into how AMAZING the day was and how much LOVE & KINDNESS we put into the world on the third Buzzing Love Day!!!
And the best part about it is that ...
The Love Is Still Buzzing!
Check out some of the awesomeness from Buzzing Love Day this year ...
*As we celebrate Gary's life let's all come together and practice kindness. Let's pay for someone's coffee, let someone go in front of us in line, hold the door open for someone, smile when we are walking down the street, just say hi (it really makes a difference), stop sweating the small stuff, donate to a charity, let's make that phone call we have wanted to make, say I love you ... stop waiting, start living ... please, just please be kind. You never know what someone is going through.
*Three years ago today, my best friend Jaime Mowers' dad was taken from us far too soon. Please join me in doing good deeds for others in his memory today. If he were still here, Gary would make sure his good deeds were the biggest and the brightest. Please share this page - and share your good deeds using #buzzinglove! Catch the buzz and spread the love!
*Every act of kindness makes this world a better place and today's the day to put it in motion.
*Buzzing Love and buying coffees for folks at one of our favorite coffee places, Stone Spiral! When we paid for the person behind us she was so pleasantly surprised, she then turned around and treated the next person in line! On her way out she thanked us again and when I said, "You're welcome, I hope you have a GREAT day," she looked at me and said ... "YOU HAVE HELPED!" ❤️🐝❤️🐝 THAT IS WHAT THIS DAY IS ABOUT!! Making it even better, Stone Spiral posted this on their Facebook page about it... "Some folks came in buzzing love today and bought the food for the people
who ordered after them. Those folks passed it on until someone who
needed it got a free meal. Thanks!!"
*Today is Gary B day. Be kind. Do a good deed. Share a smile. Read more about this awesome day at!
*Please buzz a little love to someone – anyone – today! Smile or say hello to a stranger. Hug a friend extra hard. Cry with someone who is having a bad day. Just connect! Please! Help us remember Gary B. today by connecting with another person!
*When we buzzed over to Walmart to pick up a few things, we put quarters and #buzzinglove cards at the prize machines. When we checked out, I asked the cashier what his favorite candy is. Adam put a Kit Kat with the rest of our things. After we paid, Adam gave him the Kit Kat and a #buzzinglove card. He said, "This is too much. Thank you!"
*Donated to Hope Animal Rescues in Gary's name, the rescue that saved my Teddy and brought so much love into my life.
*Writing on behalf of my hubs who made two separate donations today in the spirit of Gary B – one to the Humane Society and one to a friend's charity race. 🐝
*Bought groceries to “Help Stop Hunger” at a grocery store in Louisiana. As I was spreading love saw another random act of kindness in the parking lot ... young guy giving an older lady a jump! Buzz buzz!
*This is from an online campaign Beth (Wehling) Slaboda launched on Buzzing Love Day!! She created an event called the "Gary Bee Buzz By" with a goal of raising $500 for Toys for Tots in Gary's/Dad's name!! She wrote: "Today is Gary Bee Day. A day in which we choose to remember a great man the way in which most people remember him ... through acts of kindness, both great and small. Gary Baranyai was a man with great dedication. Most of that dedication was to his family, friends, and living life to the fullest. However, he was also a Marine and those organizations which the Marines have sponsored were always near and dear to his heart. Please join us in celebrating his life through a donation to this charity he so strongly supported. We are particularly interested in small donations ($25 or less) as a reminder that we are all capable of doing small, ordinary things, which together combine to create amazing things. Please also share the buzzzzz to others, so they may join us in a celebration of life, love, and blue skies. Join us in showing together we can do great things through small acts!" The campaign reached $500 by mid-day so she increased the goal to $800!! By the end of the day, more than 18 people had donated a total of $845!!!! ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!!!!!!!
*This morning I stopped in at Starbucks and bought a $20 gift card. After the cashier handed it to me, I handed it back and asked her to spread the kindness throughout the day by covering people's orders with it. Someone else then replied to that Facebook post by saying: "This inspired me to leave a Starbucks gift card as a little extra for the waiter at lunch today (in addition to his tip). Great idea!"
*Left free flowers for anyone who happened to visit Gary's "Buzzing Love" bench in Maplewood's Sutton Loop Park!
*Jeff and Randy Vines at STL-Style helped us spread the buzz!
*Buzzed some love to the Rescue Trauma Pet Fund for Humane Society of Missouri and their amazing work!
*Today, I was extra kind to my contractors who work for me (and usually try my patience ...) and I made a few donations in honor of the wonderful Gary B – all to help friends with their fundraising goals:
•A donation to help my coach's daughter get to the Rose Bowl with her marching band .
•A donation to help a friend riding for Leukemia & Lymphona Society with Team in Training.
•A donation to help another friend raising money for the homeless in Saint Louis as part of her Ironman 70.3 journey.
•A donation to the “Gary Bee Buzz By” Toys for Tots fundraiser. Love you Jaime!!
*Buzzed the Love a little earlier this month by making a donation to Toys for Tots on Father's Day in your dad's name!
*Put a dollar on each vending machine at work today with a note to pay it forward.
*Buzzing Love at another one of our favorite coffee shops, Living Room in Maplewood. They caught the buzz ad posted this to help us spread the love! "Hey guys. Do something nice for a stranger today cause it's buzzing love day! Our regular Jaime Mowers and her husband honor the memory of Jaime's late father by spreading good will and random acts of kindness all over the place with her group Buzzing Love. Check them out and get nice!"
*In honor of Gary B., a donation to the Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society.
*Surprised my three best friends by picking up the tab at dinner tonight, saying: "It's on me and Gary!"
*We're moving and I'm donating bags and bags of clothes, shoes, household items and food to a homeless shelter in St. Louis. I dropped a Buzzing Love card in each of the bags before the donations were picked up! There's so much love for GaryBee!
*For Buzzing Love Day/Gary B Day, delivering flowers to Gary's childhood home in Maplewood. We don't know who lives there now, but they always get flowers on June 29.
*Buzzing Love for Gary B., who loved kitties, at Tenth Life!!! The cats are loving their new stuff!! Donated kitty litter, cans of their favorite cat food, cat toys, and toilet paper for their guest bathroom. They were so grateful!
*Donation to Tenth Life cat rescue, which paid for pre-adoption vaccinations for three kitties!
*Cat treats to take to Tenth Life!
*Today is Gary B day. Be kind. Do a good deed. Share a smile. Read more about this awesome day at!
*Please buzz a little love to someone – anyone – today! Smile or say hello to a stranger. Hug a friend extra hard. Cry with someone who is having a bad day. Just connect! Please! Help us remember Gary B. today by connecting with another person!
*We made dog toys for the animals at the Humane Society. We even put squeakers in the balls! Adam arranged the toys to spell "Gary B." The staff at the Humane Society let us play with a kitten that our kids are convinced we should adopt. While we were there, the staff took pictures for their Facebook page and checked out this #buzzinglove page. They were moved to tears. Spreading love and joy to others is what it's all about. Uncle Gary had that gift for making others smile and laugh!
*When we buzzed over to Walmart to pick up a few things, we put quarters and #buzzinglove cards at the prize machines. When we checked out, I asked the cashier what his favorite candy is. Adam put a Kit Kat with the rest of our things. After we paid, Adam gave him the Kit Kat and a #buzzinglove card. He said, "This is too much. Thank you!"
*Donated to Hope Animal Rescues in Gary's name, the rescue that saved my Teddy and brought so much love into my life.
*Writing on behalf of my hubs who made two separate donations today in the spirit of Gary B – one to the Humane Society and one to a friend's charity race. 🐝
*Bought groceries to “Help Stop Hunger” at a grocery store in Louisiana. As I was spreading love saw another random act of kindness in the parking lot ... young guy giving an older lady a jump! Buzz buzz!
*This is from an online campaign Beth (Wehling) Slaboda launched on Buzzing Love Day!! She created an event called the "Gary Bee Buzz By" with a goal of raising $500 for Toys for Tots in Gary's/Dad's name!! She wrote: "Today is Gary Bee Day. A day in which we choose to remember a great man the way in which most people remember him ... through acts of kindness, both great and small. Gary Baranyai was a man with great dedication. Most of that dedication was to his family, friends, and living life to the fullest. However, he was also a Marine and those organizations which the Marines have sponsored were always near and dear to his heart. Please join us in celebrating his life through a donation to this charity he so strongly supported. We are particularly interested in small donations ($25 or less) as a reminder that we are all capable of doing small, ordinary things, which together combine to create amazing things. Please also share the buzzzzz to others, so they may join us in a celebration of life, love, and blue skies. Join us in showing together we can do great things through small acts!" The campaign reached $500 by mid-day so she increased the goal to $800!! By the end of the day, more than 18 people had donated a total of $845!!!! ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!!!!!!!
*This morning I stopped in at Starbucks and bought a $20 gift card. After the cashier handed it to me, I handed it back and asked her to spread the kindness throughout the day by covering people's orders with it. Someone else then replied to that Facebook post by saying: "This inspired me to leave a Starbucks gift card as a little extra for the waiter at lunch today (in addition to his tip). Great idea!"
*Left free flowers for anyone who happened to visit Gary's "Buzzing Love" bench in Maplewood's Sutton Loop Park!
*Jeff and Randy Vines at STL-Style helped us spread the buzz!
*Buzzed some love to the Rescue Trauma Pet Fund for Humane Society of Missouri and their amazing work!
*Today, I was extra kind to my contractors who work for me (and usually try my patience ...) and I made a few donations in honor of the wonderful Gary B – all to help friends with their fundraising goals:
•A donation to help my coach's daughter get to the Rose Bowl with her marching band .
•A donation to help a friend riding for Leukemia & Lymphona Society with Team in Training.
•A donation to help another friend raising money for the homeless in Saint Louis as part of her Ironman 70.3 journey.
•A donation to the “Gary Bee Buzz By” Toys for Tots fundraiser. Love you Jaime!!
*Buzzed the Love a little earlier this month by making a donation to Toys for Tots on Father's Day in your dad's name!
*Put a dollar on each vending machine at work today with a note to pay it forward.
*Buzzing Love at another one of our favorite coffee shops, Living Room in Maplewood. They caught the buzz ad posted this to help us spread the love! "Hey guys. Do something nice for a stranger today cause it's buzzing love day! Our regular Jaime Mowers and her husband honor the memory of Jaime's late father by spreading good will and random acts of kindness all over the place with her group Buzzing Love. Check them out and get nice!"
*In honor of Gary B., a donation to the Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society.
*Surprised my three best friends by picking up the tab at dinner tonight, saying: "It's on me and Gary!"
*We're moving and I'm donating bags and bags of clothes, shoes, household items and food to a homeless shelter in St. Louis. I dropped a Buzzing Love card in each of the bags before the donations were picked up! There's so much love for GaryBee!
*For Buzzing Love Day/Gary B Day, delivering flowers to Gary's childhood home in Maplewood. We don't know who lives there now, but they always get flowers on June 29.
*Buzzing Love for Gary B., who loved kitties, at Tenth Life!!! The cats are loving their new stuff!! Donated kitty litter, cans of their favorite cat food, cat toys, and toilet paper for their guest bathroom. They were so grateful!
*Donation to Tenth Life cat rescue, which paid for pre-adoption vaccinations for three kitties!
*Cat treats to take to Tenth Life!
*June 29th, a day that is etched into my memory forever! It was the day at the Chicago ITU, I DNF'd my race to help an athlete Steve who crashed in front of me. It was the day a St. Louis cyclist, Casey, was honored and celebrated for his life lost too soon. It was the day my sweet friend Jaime lost her dearest darling dad, but yet in the midst of the deepest sorrow, she chose to turn this day into a celebration of this life and his legacy. She has created this beautiful page to spread joy, happiness and everything positive. We made a donation in Gary's name at our favorite charity Stray Rescue to spread the love. #Catchthebuzz and spread the #relentlessoptimism!
*First day of "vacation" breakfast in the office in honor of Gary Bee!
*It’s Buzzing Love For Gary B Day! Today is a chance to pay forward all the kindness this world needs. Whether or not you know Jaime Mowers or her dad, who was senselessly taken away from his family and friends 3 years ago, it would be amazing if you would take a second to generate a little extra love for the universe today. Pay it forward, compliment a stranger, make a donation to your favorite cause (I'll be making a donation to Hope Animal Rescues in Gary's name), share cookies with your neighbors, or heck, just show extra patience with Illinois drivers (hehehehe) – do something nice and post about it with #buzzinglove! I put on makeup for this day, so don't let me down. :) Let's buzz some love, peeps!
*Happy Gary B. Day! This first deed was in honor of the amazing baby shower you (Jaime) threw for me, and in honor of your dad. I helped cook food for a baby shower of a single mom I didn't know and sent this gift to her.
*Passing along good deeds here in Omaha:)
*This is how I honor Gary 🐝 on June 29th – Donation to Toys for Tots!
*More #buzzinglove for Gary and Jaime Mowers. As a fellow birthday lover, I bought all these supplies for Wish I May, an awesome organization in southwest Missouri that provides birthday bags for families who can't afford it.
*I am planning to go to The Oaks in Festus Thursday and visit with my friend Petesie and the others in the assisted living facility. I will be bringing my mentee Garrett and grandson Hunter to visit and spread the bee cheer.
*The recipient of a #buzzinglove act: I am OBSESSED with this incredibly adorable bag from my friend! Thank you SO MUCH! I love it and am honored to be part of your #buzzinglove!
*I normally bake cookies for my summer school classmates, but am not taking any classes for this summer. Instead I baked cookies for my mom's office, which brightened their Monday morning meeting!
*I have done things throughout out the month in honor of your dad. I hosted a baby shower for a single mom who has no family to support her through this hard time, and has a very limited income. I reached out to a few people (thank you Juliana Goodwin) who helped make this an extra special day and she received so many fantastic gifts for her little one. All month of June I have left extra large tips whenever we have gone out to eat (40%) and left a kind note to go along with the tip. Lastly, today marks the birthday of a client of mine who past away in October of 2014. Her mother and I spent countless hours together crying and praying while she was on hospice. I sent her mother (who is in her 80's) a beautiful bouquet of flowers to let her know how much I love her and that I think of her all the time (and that I do still remember it's her baby's birthday and miss her as well). And all day today people asked me about my buzzinglove t-shirt, which gave me the opportunity to tell people about the amazing man that inspired this whole movement. Thinking of you, especially today.
*Leaving quarters and Buzzing Love cards at the car wash by our house!
*I recently read a book about a woman who had a young child and fled from an abusive relationship and had to rely on women's shelters to get back on her feet. Thinking about this book and #buzzinglove. I tried to think of what I could do to help women in similar situations. I have contacted a local shelter that provides help to women who are pregnant or new mothers. They have a very long wish list of items they need. I contacted to see if they would be able to take used items. If they will, I have a ton of R's stuff that I will be donating this weekend or next. If they can't, R and I will go shopping and buy some items to take to them. While I cannot fulfill this act today, I have set things in to motion. If not for #buzzinglove and the drive to spread kindness and do deeds for others, I wouldn't have thought about this. I would have donated to a thrift shop.
*Dear Jaime, Thanks do much for sending your buzzinglove website to me! I LOVE it and love you too!! It's a wonderful tribute to Gary. Like you, and all family and friends, I can hear in my mind his wonderful laugh every time I think of Gary! I'm so proud of you, Jaime for being so brave and turning the horrible family tragedy into a tribute to Gary. He is smiling down on you from heaven today and every day!! Like you say, we must be brave, keep on & love, laugh and SMILE, even though we do it through our tears so often. I want you to know that on 6-29 I am taking a 91-year-old old church friend to brunch as my act of kindness in honor of Gary. I also will be at Mass that day especially praying for Donna, you, Travis, Kelly & Rob & also all of Gary's many friends and family. We will smile as we cry that day because we want Gary to know we won't give up spreading kindness and love as he did. Hugs and love and prayers.
*I have another Gary B. Deed – I’ve been collecting mini shampoos and soaps like last year, but have doubled last year’s total. I have about 82 and am donating them all to a local women’s shelter #buzzinglove!
*Dropped off a plant and care package to a dear friend who was moving into her new office space!
*As part of Buzzing Love this year, I signed up for my first century bike ride (100 miles) in the steep hills of Lake Tahoe and have committed to raise $4,000 over the next 12 months for cancer patients. It's gonna take a lot of grit since I'm not a natural cyclist and a ton of time to raise that kind of money, but I wanted to go big for your dad, my dad and my friend who was murdered when he was walking his dogs one morning on an area trail. The only way to fight evil is with love.
*Treated my beautiful daughters and their wonderful husbands to lunch for Buzzing Love Day!
*Several good deeds in honor of Gary ... Cookies and money envelopes for lunch to the Marine Corps recruiters in West County, cookies to the St. Louis County Police Affton precinct, money envelopes for lunch to 8 people at Chris’ pancake, money and envelopes for lunch to 8 people at Maplewood Steak n Shake, cookies to Oak Hill Cemetery, cookies to my neighbor, flowers to three folks, two of whom have recently lost loved ones. A highlight was visiting and spending some time with the folks to whom I delivered the flowers – two of them were in their 80's. I did go by the cemetery and put up new red flower baskets and new flags for the fourth of July. It was a good day for Buzzing Love for Gary!!!
*Buzzed our special friends with love with a gift certificate for them to go out for sushi!
*Ordered a pizza and had it delivered to our friends on the day they were moving ... because who has time to make or go get something while you're trying to pack up all of your stuff and move?! Just wanted to do something to try to make the day a little easier for them!
*Gave some of my old stuffed animals to Jaime and Travis' Poms Foxy and Bear-Bear!
*I was #buzzinglove at Starbucks this morning. I bought my usual coffee as well as a gift card for the barista to use throughout the day to surprise strangers with coffees. I explained the story of Gary B. Day and asked him to please use the gift card for people who were having a bad day and in need of a pick-me-up. The barista was so moved by the story that he paid for my coffee! Funny how kindness breeds kindness. Let's go do some good today!
*The Human Society of Missouri posted this on their Facebook page: #KindKid Alert! Adam, Kyle and Carilynn made toys for our shelter dogs and cats for Buzzing Love Day. You see, their uncle died tragically and the family decided they wanted to turn this tragedy into a good thing. Every year on the anniversary of his death, the family performs acts of kindness in his memory. Our shelter pets are so thankful to be blessed with these wonderful gifts! Thank you to the #BuzzingLove family!
*Here is my act of Buzzing Love today: My next door neighbor just became a first time mom. I know she could use a break, and her favorite glass of chardonnay! In honor of Gary Baranyai, his amazing daughter Jaime and #buzzinglove, I will be dropping off a little adult treat for her, as well as an offer for an evening of babysitting!
*Delivered flowers to the family who bought our old house.
*My husband and I walked into our favorite cupcakery to see the employee writing a note on the tip jar that those who steal will be denied service. The guy was filling in for the owner who was on vacation, and he admitted to us he was embarrassed that the one moment he went to the back to get more icing, someone stole all the money from the tip jar. So he would not have to tell his friend/owner, we replaced the money stolen from the jar.
*A friend, who knew nothing about #buzzinglove, surprised me with a gift card to Van's so I could treat myself to a new pair of shoes. He definitely spread the kindness that day and I will pass it on for sure. I keep to a very tight budget and would have never bought these otherwise, even though it's a brand I love. #buzzinglove is in the air!
*A co-worker is going through a very difficult time, so I've been providing a listening ear and free Starbucks drinks, so she can get through her tough days with at least a caffeine jolt.
*My former boss, who is a dear friend also, lost his daughter – she was only 23. The family has tons of medical bills and funeral expenses they cannot afford. We will be contributing to help with the costs.
*The recipient of a #buzzinglove act: "Guess what just came in the mail (sewing bag!) I love it – this is so full of awesome sauce! I love this sooooooooo much! Thank you for including me in your #buzzinglove activities!
In the days following the "big day," people have since been carrying on the kindness and buzzing love every day! There's been so many I'm losing track (which is awesome!), but I wanted to share a few that I know about. We've also received some awesome letters, emails and shout outs on social media from organizations that were on the receiving end of the kindness and good deeds and kindness on Buzzing Love Day this June 29th!
*Enjoyed a lovely dinner with a dear friend (and tableside guac!) tonight and this generous soul insisted on paying. When I continued protesting, she said, "I'm buzzing love for Gary Bee." Dianna Rockwell Shank had me there. Jaime, Daddy Bee's legacy just keeps buzzing and buzzing. #buzzinglove #grateful
*Was out riding my bike on the Katy trail on Friday night, still feeling the warm and fuzzies from Gary B day. I saw a sweaty, hot, tired jogger coming towards me. He looked up at me just as I was passing, and I gave him a big smile and held out my hand for a high five. His face transformed into a beaming smile and he returned my five. Sometimes it's the simplest things….
*We were sitting in a coffee shop looking out the window and noticed a man with a walker had been standing across the street at the light waiting to cross for quite a while ... it looked like the light cycled through several times without giving him a signal. My husband went outside the coffee shop to the corner and pressed the "Walk" button so the man would get the signal. My husband waved and the man got the light and crossed the street. The man then came into the coffee shop for a cup of coffee, sat near us and thanked my husband for "helping out an old guy like me" and smiled. And we smiled, too. It's that simple.
*Buzzing Love got buzzed with awesomeness when I received an anonymous package in the mail with Buzzing Love tennis shoe charms from a place called Charmed Running!!! So, so awesome!!!!!
*Delivered "First Day of School" care packages to dozens of teachers at Zoe's elementary school for Buzzing Love
There have been so many others it's been hard to keep track, but lots of people have been posting on the Buzzing Love Facebook page, which is awesome! Keep them coming!!
Dear Jaime, All of us at Stray Rescue of St. Louis send our condolences for your loss. We understand what a difficult time this is for you. It is with deep appreciation that I notify you that Graziella has made a donation to Stray Rescue in memory of Gary Baranyai. She also wishes to say, "On Gary Bee Day, this donation is done in memorial and tribute to the Best Daddy Bee one ever knew. Thanks so much for creating As you may know, dogs we rescue come from impoverished inner city streets and abandoned homes, most of them very ill and they all suffer as the climate changes. Stray Rescue of St. Louis saves these dogs from this miserable existence. At Stray Rescue, we believe any animal that has the courage to survive on the streets under horrible conditions deserves to be treated regardless of cost, time and effort, and deserves to be found a loving home. This is a thoughtful way for friends to remember your loved one. The gift will also help us in our continued efforts to complete our Companion Center on Pine Street, which will undoubtedly save even more lives. This contribution made on behalf of Gary supports our efforts to rescue, rehabilitate and find a forever home for these animals. Sincerely, Randy Grim/Founder
"Hi Jaime, I wanted to thank you again for including Tenth Life in your day of remembrance for your dad. It was so wonderful to meet you and your family. The kitties are thrilled with their toys! Their tummies will be equally happy. :) I also wanted to let you know that we received a donation from Michael Clarke in memory of your dad. We are so appreciative of the donation. It will cover all pre-adoption vaccination costs for 3 kittens! How wonderful! Thanks again for today and for your inspiring efforts!"
"Have you heard of Buzzing Love?!
These fine folks dropped by last month with donations and brought with
them a truly tremendous spirit of kindness, positivity, and generosity. We can't believe we’ve waited so long to share their story with you! Inspired by Gary A. Baranyai, a man who lived his life by helping others but was tragically taken from the world too soon, #BuzzingLove is on a mission to be a constant reminder to love big, laugh loud, lend
others a helping hand, and spread kindness. However, they’re not doing
this alone! They want to hear from all of us so we can inspire and
encourage one another which is something we support whole-heartedly. The
world can always use more positivity and kindness, don't you think?
We're so grateful to them for their generous donations and also for
their commitment to leaving this world a little better than they found
it. To read more about Buzzing Love and their story, visit and if you're inspired by their journey of joy and remembrance, please take a moment to thank them in the comments. Thank you!"
"Thank you Buzzing Love for being aware that Gary B. was passing the torch of love to you, and
you did something, a huge something with it. Thank you for all you do!
And a special shout out "Hurrah" for helping Tenth Life! I try to get in a random act
of kindness each day, but I am humbled by your love and generosity - I
can do more, and so I shall! Thanks again, not just for the tangible
items, but reminding us of the intangibles that go hand in hand with
it ...
-Nicky Jules
*First day of "vacation" breakfast in the office in honor of Gary Bee!
*It’s Buzzing Love For Gary B Day! Today is a chance to pay forward all the kindness this world needs. Whether or not you know Jaime Mowers or her dad, who was senselessly taken away from his family and friends 3 years ago, it would be amazing if you would take a second to generate a little extra love for the universe today. Pay it forward, compliment a stranger, make a donation to your favorite cause (I'll be making a donation to Hope Animal Rescues in Gary's name), share cookies with your neighbors, or heck, just show extra patience with Illinois drivers (hehehehe) – do something nice and post about it with #buzzinglove! I put on makeup for this day, so don't let me down. :) Let's buzz some love, peeps!
next act of kindness what taking homemade cupcakes to our community
police department. The cupcakes are Adam's original recipe. He calls
them Yummy Cakes.
*Happy Gary B. Day! This first deed was in honor of the amazing baby shower you (Jaime) threw for me, and in honor of your dad. I helped cook food for a baby shower of a single mom I didn't know and sent this gift to her.
*Passing along good deeds here in Omaha:)
*This is how I honor Gary 🐝 on June 29th – Donation to Toys for Tots!
*Brought a chocolate bar from my trip overseas and gave it to a friend for #buzzinglove!

*I am planning to go to The Oaks in Festus Thursday and visit with my friend Petesie and the others in the assisted living facility. I will be bringing my mentee Garrett and grandson Hunter to visit and spread the bee cheer.
*The recipient of a #buzzinglove act: I am OBSESSED with this incredibly adorable bag from my friend! Thank you SO MUCH! I love it and am honored to be part of your #buzzinglove!
*I normally bake cookies for my summer school classmates, but am not taking any classes for this summer. Instead I baked cookies for my mom's office, which brightened their Monday morning meeting!
*I have done things throughout out the month in honor of your dad. I hosted a baby shower for a single mom who has no family to support her through this hard time, and has a very limited income. I reached out to a few people (thank you Juliana Goodwin) who helped make this an extra special day and she received so many fantastic gifts for her little one. All month of June I have left extra large tips whenever we have gone out to eat (40%) and left a kind note to go along with the tip. Lastly, today marks the birthday of a client of mine who past away in October of 2014. Her mother and I spent countless hours together crying and praying while she was on hospice. I sent her mother (who is in her 80's) a beautiful bouquet of flowers to let her know how much I love her and that I think of her all the time (and that I do still remember it's her baby's birthday and miss her as well). And all day today people asked me about my buzzinglove t-shirt, which gave me the opportunity to tell people about the amazing man that inspired this whole movement. Thinking of you, especially today.
*Leaving quarters and Buzzing Love cards at the car wash by our house!
*I recently read a book about a woman who had a young child and fled from an abusive relationship and had to rely on women's shelters to get back on her feet. Thinking about this book and #buzzinglove. I tried to think of what I could do to help women in similar situations. I have contacted a local shelter that provides help to women who are pregnant or new mothers. They have a very long wish list of items they need. I contacted to see if they would be able to take used items. If they will, I have a ton of R's stuff that I will be donating this weekend or next. If they can't, R and I will go shopping and buy some items to take to them. While I cannot fulfill this act today, I have set things in to motion. If not for #buzzinglove and the drive to spread kindness and do deeds for others, I wouldn't have thought about this. I would have donated to a thrift shop.
*Dear Jaime, Thanks do much for sending your buzzinglove website to me! I LOVE it and love you too!! It's a wonderful tribute to Gary. Like you, and all family and friends, I can hear in my mind his wonderful laugh every time I think of Gary! I'm so proud of you, Jaime for being so brave and turning the horrible family tragedy into a tribute to Gary. He is smiling down on you from heaven today and every day!! Like you say, we must be brave, keep on & love, laugh and SMILE, even though we do it through our tears so often. I want you to know that on 6-29 I am taking a 91-year-old old church friend to brunch as my act of kindness in honor of Gary. I also will be at Mass that day especially praying for Donna, you, Travis, Kelly & Rob & also all of Gary's many friends and family. We will smile as we cry that day because we want Gary to know we won't give up spreading kindness and love as he did. Hugs and love and prayers.
*I have another Gary B. Deed – I’ve been collecting mini shampoos and soaps like last year, but have doubled last year’s total. I have about 82 and am donating them all to a local women’s shelter #buzzinglove!
*Dropped off a plant and care package to a dear friend who was moving into her new office space!
*As part of Buzzing Love this year, I signed up for my first century bike ride (100 miles) in the steep hills of Lake Tahoe and have committed to raise $4,000 over the next 12 months for cancer patients. It's gonna take a lot of grit since I'm not a natural cyclist and a ton of time to raise that kind of money, but I wanted to go big for your dad, my dad and my friend who was murdered when he was walking his dogs one morning on an area trail. The only way to fight evil is with love.
*Treated my beautiful daughters and their wonderful husbands to lunch for Buzzing Love Day!
*Several good deeds in honor of Gary ... Cookies and money envelopes for lunch to the Marine Corps recruiters in West County, cookies to the St. Louis County Police Affton precinct, money envelopes for lunch to 8 people at Chris’ pancake, money and envelopes for lunch to 8 people at Maplewood Steak n Shake, cookies to Oak Hill Cemetery, cookies to my neighbor, flowers to three folks, two of whom have recently lost loved ones. A highlight was visiting and spending some time with the folks to whom I delivered the flowers – two of them were in their 80's. I did go by the cemetery and put up new red flower baskets and new flags for the fourth of July. It was a good day for Buzzing Love for Gary!!!
*Buzzed our special friends with love with a gift certificate for them to go out for sushi!
*Ordered a pizza and had it delivered to our friends on the day they were moving ... because who has time to make or go get something while you're trying to pack up all of your stuff and move?! Just wanted to do something to try to make the day a little easier for them!
*Gave some of my old stuffed animals to Jaime and Travis' Poms Foxy and Bear-Bear!
*I was #buzzinglove at Starbucks this morning. I bought my usual coffee as well as a gift card for the barista to use throughout the day to surprise strangers with coffees. I explained the story of Gary B. Day and asked him to please use the gift card for people who were having a bad day and in need of a pick-me-up. The barista was so moved by the story that he paid for my coffee! Funny how kindness breeds kindness. Let's go do some good today!
*The Human Society of Missouri posted this on their Facebook page: #KindKid Alert! Adam, Kyle and Carilynn made toys for our shelter dogs and cats for Buzzing Love Day. You see, their uncle died tragically and the family decided they wanted to turn this tragedy into a good thing. Every year on the anniversary of his death, the family performs acts of kindness in his memory. Our shelter pets are so thankful to be blessed with these wonderful gifts! Thank you to the #BuzzingLove family!
*Here is my act of Buzzing Love today: My next door neighbor just became a first time mom. I know she could use a break, and her favorite glass of chardonnay! In honor of Gary Baranyai, his amazing daughter Jaime and #buzzinglove, I will be dropping off a little adult treat for her, as well as an offer for an evening of babysitting!
*Delivered flowers to the family who bought our old house.
*My husband and I walked into our favorite cupcakery to see the employee writing a note on the tip jar that those who steal will be denied service. The guy was filling in for the owner who was on vacation, and he admitted to us he was embarrassed that the one moment he went to the back to get more icing, someone stole all the money from the tip jar. So he would not have to tell his friend/owner, we replaced the money stolen from the jar.
*A friend, who knew nothing about #buzzinglove, surprised me with a gift card to Van's so I could treat myself to a new pair of shoes. He definitely spread the kindness that day and I will pass it on for sure. I keep to a very tight budget and would have never bought these otherwise, even though it's a brand I love. #buzzinglove is in the air!
*A co-worker is going through a very difficult time, so I've been providing a listening ear and free Starbucks drinks, so she can get through her tough days with at least a caffeine jolt.
*My former boss, who is a dear friend also, lost his daughter – she was only 23. The family has tons of medical bills and funeral expenses they cannot afford. We will be contributing to help with the costs.
*The recipient of a #buzzinglove act: "Guess what just came in the mail (sewing bag!) I love it – this is so full of awesome sauce! I love this sooooooooo much! Thank you for including me in your #buzzinglove activities!

*Enjoyed a lovely dinner with a dear friend (and tableside guac!) tonight and this generous soul insisted on paying. When I continued protesting, she said, "I'm buzzing love for Gary Bee." Dianna Rockwell Shank had me there. Jaime, Daddy Bee's legacy just keeps buzzing and buzzing. #buzzinglove #grateful
*Was out riding my bike on the Katy trail on Friday night, still feeling the warm and fuzzies from Gary B day. I saw a sweaty, hot, tired jogger coming towards me. He looked up at me just as I was passing, and I gave him a big smile and held out my hand for a high five. His face transformed into a beaming smile and he returned my five. Sometimes it's the simplest things….
*We were sitting in a coffee shop looking out the window and noticed a man with a walker had been standing across the street at the light waiting to cross for quite a while ... it looked like the light cycled through several times without giving him a signal. My husband went outside the coffee shop to the corner and pressed the "Walk" button so the man would get the signal. My husband waved and the man got the light and crossed the street. The man then came into the coffee shop for a cup of coffee, sat near us and thanked my husband for "helping out an old guy like me" and smiled. And we smiled, too. It's that simple.
*Buzzing Love got buzzed with awesomeness when I received an anonymous package in the mail with Buzzing Love tennis shoe charms from a place called Charmed Running!!! So, so awesome!!!!!
*Delivered "First Day of School" care packages to dozens of teachers at Zoe's elementary school for Buzzing Love
*Here's a letter we received from Stray Rescue of St. Louis:
Dear Jaime, All of us at Stray Rescue of St. Louis send our condolences for your loss. We understand what a difficult time this is for you. It is with deep appreciation that I notify you that Graziella has made a donation to Stray Rescue in memory of Gary Baranyai. She also wishes to say, "On Gary Bee Day, this donation is done in memorial and tribute to the Best Daddy Bee one ever knew. Thanks so much for creating As you may know, dogs we rescue come from impoverished inner city streets and abandoned homes, most of them very ill and they all suffer as the climate changes. Stray Rescue of St. Louis saves these dogs from this miserable existence. At Stray Rescue, we believe any animal that has the courage to survive on the streets under horrible conditions deserves to be treated regardless of cost, time and effort, and deserves to be found a loving home. This is a thoughtful way for friends to remember your loved one. The gift will also help us in our continued efforts to complete our Companion Center on Pine Street, which will undoubtedly save even more lives. This contribution made on behalf of Gary supports our efforts to rescue, rehabilitate and find a forever home for these animals. Sincerely, Randy Grim/Founder
*Here's a letter we received from Tenth Life, a cat rescue in St. Louis:
"Hi Jaime, I wanted to thank you again for including Tenth Life in your day of remembrance for your dad. It was so wonderful to meet you and your family. The kitties are thrilled with their toys! Their tummies will be equally happy. :) I also wanted to let you know that we received a donation from Michael Clarke in memory of your dad. We are so appreciative of the donation. It will cover all pre-adoption vaccination costs for 3 kittens! How wonderful! Thanks again for today and for your inspiring efforts!"
*We are so touched by this Facebook post from Tenth Life, as well as the heartwarming comments and thanks it generated!
I'm going to end this with a comment someone wrote in response to Tenth Life's post because it brought me to tears, inspired me, made me realize that I CAN DO MORE and it captures exactly what we're trying to do with Buzzing Love! Beyond that, on a very personal level, it is one of the many moments that have made me so glad I followed my heart (even when it hurt), took a big leap knowing I'd have to build my wings on the way down ... and finally launched BUZZING LOVE. Although it's been in the making for the better part of at least two years, Buzzing Love became "official" with the launch of the website and Facebook page on Father's Day weekend, just two weeks ahead of this year's Buzzing Love Day!
"Kindness, compassion, love ... look for ways to make a difference. No
act is too small or too big.
Compassion is a one-size-fits-all deal!"
-Nicky Jules
Wow! Just wow! What an awesome post to read!
ReplyDeleteAwwww, thank you so much Dissertation Girl!!! And thank you for being such a force in all things Buzzing Love!! Couldn't do it without you!!! XXOO