As a writer and a journalist, I've always said and believed: "Everyone has a story, and it's my job to tell it." I can't say I ever thought I'd put pen to paper to tell my story, nor could I have ever imaged the cruel and horrific circumstances my family and I would find ourselves in when the unimaginable – UNTHINKABLE – happened one ordinary Sunday.
It was June 29, 2014, when my dad – one of the sweetest, kindest, caring and fun-loving souls in the world – was taken from us so suddenly and so violently at the hands of another. Killed by a close family member who we loved and trusted ... in the home where my husband and I lived. There's so much more I could write about this part, and perhaps someday I will, because it is THE THING ... It really is WHY I'm doing THIS.
The tragic circumstance of my dad's death is why I feel so compelled – why there is such a NEED – to purposefully put as much joy and kindness into the pain as possible. It is why and how BUZZING LOVE came to be. I would have wanted to honor my dad's life no matter the circumstances of his death, but the horror of what happened makes it that much more ... pressing.
As I said, perhaps I will write more about this part later, but for now these news stories will suffice...
•Denise Hein Charged In Shooting Death Of Webster Groves Resident Gary Baranyai
•Mentally Ill Nurse From Webster Groves On Trial For Killing Brother-In-Law
•Dec. 5 Verdict Expected In Shooting Death Of Webster Groves Resident Gary Baranyai
•Webster Groves Woman Guilty In Murder Of Her Twin Sister's Husband
•Webster Groves Woman Sentenced To 30 Years For Killing Brother-In-Law
•Webster Woman Gets Life In Murder Of Brother-In-Law
•Mentally Ill Nurse From Webster Groves Convicted Of Second-Degree Murder In Killing Of Brother-In-Law
•Gary A. Baranyai – Obituary
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